Meals on Kilimanjaro
All treks are fully catered by your crew. You’ll be served breakfast, lunch and dinner in your own mess tent. The food is typically Eastern African, filling hearty fair. Because of the challenges of provisioning for a large group (trekkers, guide, porters and all) for 6-8 days, most people are surprisingly impressed by the food initially and then a little tired of the lack of variation by the end of the trip. It is also important to consider that most trekkers lose their appetite at some stage due to the altitude (LINK TO AMS PIECE)
Breakfast usually consists of porridge and pancakes / toast / French bread. Accompanied by tea, coffee (the local instant coffee is excellent) and hot chocolate.
Lunch is cooked on the trail and usually involves a vegetable soup followed by a high energy main meal.
After you arrive at camp, you’ll be served tea / coffee and a snack (popcorn / nuts / biscuits)
Dinner is similar to lunch, usually involving a soup, main and fruit for dessert.